finally 8.++ the van zai come fetch us le..thn we chinese vry gt mannas 1..let the malay go mannas dao i didnt gt place to sit n gotto sit wit yc..haizz..sure gt distance la..thn go shooting near the place tat do ic the way we all so noisy ooo..thn edward dwn sweets thn wn le..=='thn reach there
when we reach hw to describe..
tis is the place for shooting..
on the way to go to the room of shooting ..act nt so bright 1 when 8.++ vry dark de.. nw take photo when 1.50 mah...
thn go in gotto do so mny test such as bumbing,measure the height n weight n mny mny mny la..yes!!!!! didnt too fat ..haha..n tall le 0.2cm..XDDDD..thn dunno do wt le go to hav a break ..i thought didnt gt break de...act is gt..haha...see clearly ...
thn after breaking nid to do another test..thn oh my gosh bumbing the hardest for me 1..thn thn the coach say nid to up tahan 10 seconds n down tahan 10 seconds..omg...i juz cn tahan 130 seconds ..huhu~~!!!! thn yc is the most geng 1 in ap la..thn sit up total gt 7 level is 手掌要过膝盖,second level-albow over the 膝盖 third level-双手按着肚子,但是手不能离开肚子 fourth-手交叉在前面 fifth-手交叉在后面 sixth-手交叉在背后然后加一个不懂多少kg de..thn forgt liao..the boys most geng in level 5 oni..they say vry hard to take it up.. n yc nid to campur wit us cz we 顺序de..haha.. ap gt 11 ppl n 4 girls oni..thn yc alwaz do test wit girls group..haha..thn go break again..
tis is boys group 1..haha...shhhhh...dun laugh....XDDDDD..
ap students geng leh~~~~~ haha...
guess who is him...hahahhahaha...
tis test is juz cn 1 leg to stand thn ur leg gona up n see u cn tahan hw juz 3-5 seconds..haha...thn same test .. juz cn stand wit 1 leg n take 1 board thn stand 3 long my leg pain la..after bumbing my hands all 软了..haizzz..thn is leg..but ok la..
oso gt test the eyes..there gt 9 numbers gona aim the 5 ..thn close my eyes right eye cn aim but close my left eyes i see dao 2 ooo..i knw y when he close i go to see another way n didnt see the middle dao 2 lo..haizzz..thn see the words..last 3 rolls cnt see tiny ..haizzz..
test tahan nafas n walk 10 walks..thn do the test wit paper some lik maths de..thn all discuss..haha..thn see the numbers in the colours 1..yes!!!i sucess le.. thn etst ur 速度..haizz..i lose le..haizz..thn go to shooting lu~~yes!!!hear for the instruction..oso gt free bag..although tis is nt so nice but oso gud la.. thn gotto take the gun d!!!! heavy..lik gt 1 kg liao lo..thn my hand alwaz shake shake shake..thn juz gt 2 子弹oni..haizz..let russian coach teach vry gud de leh..thn go for nasi dagang.. no spoon no chopstick no folk so hw do we eat jeh ???? learn frm malay ---use hands..n the malay so sui 1..say cantonese de dirty words..=="hatezz..thn finish go keng gai..
eat my oreo n sweets..n keng mny mny mny thgs..tat time is 1.00!!so late..thn edward see my hp ...hate him liao..use calling for 借口..thn teacher say straight away go bck to skol to exam ..nvm wear pj shirt n sport shoes..thn wait for the results..thn dunno y cal names..thn me n yc cal dao n other malay boys..dunno cal name for wt..thn go bck lo.. b4 go bck sure wana take photo de la..but nt enough time to take..haizz..dissapointed..
tis r ap students de 杰作...
oh my gosh...
tis is the place for shooting (室内) but gt more big 1..didnt take dao..
tis real gun but tis is 气枪 la...soundless de..
here is the code for us ..
happy ending!!!! n saw my old fren tuition at oxford 1...
n rush bck to exam ... thn go toilet..haha..saw lee kong sang..ntg ...thn rush bck..thn when maths test my hp rang oooo...luckily i put silent..haha..yc n edward alwaz dwn let us take photo ...haha... wt famous day !!!!! love it vry much...